clickTRUE Digital Marketing Blog

Starting a Career in Digital Marketing? (What You Need to Know)

Written by Sindhu Selvam | Sep 29, 2022 3:21:11 AM


People sometimes assume that experience is determined by how long you've been doing something, but I believe that the number of events and difficulties you encounter can speed up that rate.

~ Jackie Lee

As a fresh graduate, you would have felt lost at least once in finding the job that suits your goals in digital marketing. Researching, updating a resume, interviewing, and repeatedly facing rejections can inevitably be stressful and anxious.

The employment procedure becomes even more challenging when you are unsure about the company's culture and your ability to excel in this dynamic industry. Will your dream job and employer's job requirements match? Or should you just start applying for any job that pays - although it may end up being unfulfilling?

This is exactly what this article will help you avoid. It is hard to determine whether a job suits you when you have no experience. Plus, there are plenty of jobs that actually fall under the umbrella of digital marketing. You would just have to niche down to the right one according to your career goal. And with the right attitude and effort, you’ll be able to perform well in it.

Recently, our colleague, Suria (digital marketing consultant), had a chat with our CEO of clickTRUE Group, Mr Jackie Lee, about his digital marketing career. Here are some words of wisdom that you might find helpful in making your choice:


Suria: What is your advice to fresh graduates who have just started their career pathway?

Jackie: The journey has only just begun because you're like a blank sheet. And, I believe that we are moving from the concept of lifelong employment to lifelong employability. So to achieve that, you must adopt a learning mindset, a teachable attitude and an open mind. I'm pretty sure you are chosen because your skill set can delight the company's customers. So, be confident, be open (but opinionated). More importantly, empathise with other team members.

Suria: Is it normal to feel that you are not progressing fast enough?

Jackie: It's normal to have some anxiety because we're all human. But the idea is, to be honest about failing and make sure you fail fast. Also, have a retrospective with your team members to gain experience. People sometimes assume that experience is determined by how long you've been doing something, but I believe that the number of events and difficulties you encounter can speed up that rate. So I think in clickTRUE, we have a very open and opportunistic playground. I will say, our clients provide limitless opportunities for our employees to attempt and continuously improve.

Suria: Is it a fair thing to transition into digital marketing if you are from another field of study?

Jackie: Oh, yes. So, I have subscribed to the idea of a polymath, a T-shaped kind of personal development where you find your passion and don't mind continuously improving in depth of a subject matter. And in parallel, you have a very comprehensive horizontal skill set from other fields. So, that long horizontal overlap is what we use to connect to the other team members. So that way, when we connect and have that depth of understanding at work, we will be helpful and valuable to the client. So that makes the company worthwhile and beneficial for a bigger purpose.

Suria: How important is it for us to always be learning?

Jackie: Very! It applies to both newcomers and senior staff as well. We are lifelong students. So we are constantly learning, and that is our best tool against fast-changing technology and fast-rising inflation. Think about it this way, if you're the best in your work field, you don't have to be afraid of inflation considering that people would want to trade their greatest skills for yours. So find that passion, dig deep, have support from the team members, and continue adding value to your trusted team. Therefore, a growth mindset and an always learning attitude will help us plan against inflation threats. So, that's progressing towards (what I previously mentioned about) lifetime employability. 


Have additional questions? 🤔

Here are more insights to quench your curiosity!

What if I have no experience in digital marketing? 

Take up Google's free certifications to gauge your interest and capabilities. If technical skills are required (eg: graphic designing/video editing), get yourself foundational training. Once you are done with that, apply for jobs and present your best portfolio, even if it does not include actual job experience. Any company that sees your potential would be ecstatic to hire you!

What are the positions/ roles available in a digital marketing agency?

Generally, a Web Designer, Account Manager, Content Writer, Digital Marketing Consultant, and an Inbound Marketing Consultant.

What will my job description be?

Different agencies may have a slight variation in job descriptions. Be sure to read the job advertisement and inquire further if needed during the interview. You deserve to have a clear expectation of what you're in for!

How can I approach clickTRUE if there is an opening?

You can check out our LinkedIn profile or our Glassdoor page for openings. You can apply directly through LinkedIn as well.


At clickTRUE, our objective is to create a business that evangelizes digital marketing while continuously challenging the status quo. We put a lot of focus on people and technology, with the former serving as a catalyst for workplace efficiency and the latter enabling driven individuals to create company breakthroughs both individually and collectively.

With that being said, we favour employing individuals who are passionate about the Internet, have a positive attitude, and are constantly hungry to learn new things. We work in a dynamic, collaborative, and creative atmosphere. We want to succeed at work, at play, and in life.