clickTRUE Digital Marketing Blog

Skyrocket Your Lead Generation Campaigns with Engaging Video Ads

Written by Aaron Francis | Jul 17, 2024 2:17:17 AM

What if every scroll stopped at your video ad? Imagine your key messages magnetically capturing viewer interest and driving quality conversions.

It might sound like a dream scenario, but video ads receive 612% more likes and comments than image ads on average.

In today's fast-paced digital world, platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts are transforming content consumption.

These short, engaging videos have made vertical video the new norm. People prefer quick, visually appealing snippets, and your business must adapt to stay relevant.

These platforms have transformed how we, as human beings, consume content.

Part of the reason is that short-form videos release dopamine in the brain and encourage users to keep consuming them.

Source: GIPHY

As digital marketers, we understand the power of this shift and are dedicated to helping your brand not just keep up but thrive in this dynamic environment.

Let’s talk about how you can stay ahead of the curve.


1. The Rise of Short Video Content📈

Platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts have surged in popularity.

Their success is due to alignment with consumption trends, user-friendly interfaces, algorithmic recommendations, and appealing short videos optimised for mobile.

Source: GIPHY

Imagine this: TikTok alone boasts over 1.56 billion monthly active users as of 2024. YouTube has over 2.7 billion active users monthly, while Instagram has around 2 billion.

Those are staggering numbers, and it’s only growing!

Think about the time you or others spend watching short videos. They grab people’s interest instantly. With 60% of marketers investing more in TikTok, these bite-sized videos are clearly effective.

Here’s a couple more reasons why people are interested: 

Appealing: In a world where our ability to concentrate is shrinking, short videos get straight to the point, delivering punchy 15-second messages that resonate.

Shareable: People love sharing fun, interesting, or informative videos with their friends and followers, which boosts your organic reach significantly.

The fact is by 2025, it's predicted that 82% of all internet traffic will be video content. 

That's almost everything!

For digital marketers, assimilating to popular trends is one aspect, while the other is about being where your audience is and giving them content in the format they want.


2. Why Short Video Ads Matter for Lead Generation🎯

It’s pretty obvious that people crave content that gets straight to the point.

Studies show that attention spans have decreased from 2½ minutes to around 45 seconds over the past 20 years.

While this is the case, the true effectiveness lies in packing compelling, impactful messages into these short video frames.

This is where short video ads come in for lead generation.

They are crafted carefully to deliver key messages quickly and effectively, grabbing attention right off the bat and keep viewers engaged.

Fun fact: viewers retain a whopping 95% of a message when they watch a video, compared to just 10% when reading it.

That’s a huge difference!

It means your message is not only seen but remembered. Which adds a layer of interactivity that text and static images just can’t match.

This strong brand recall means that viewers will likely interact with your content. Increased engagement naturally leads to higher conversion rates, as engaged viewers are more inclined to take action on your offers.

It’s the memorable impressions that resonate and drive action for your brand.


3. clickTRUE’s Unique Approach🧠

Think of your videos as storefronts. Lots of people going in and out can look promising, but if people don't stay long or engage, they’re probably not interested in buying anything.

In video marketing, views are like those people simply walking in and out of a store, delivering plenty of foot traffic. While views tell you how many people watched your video, they don't indicate interest or intent to purchase.

Source: GIPHY

At clickTRUE, we believe the key to successful video advertising is to incorporate the video storyboard using the inbound methodology. 

Luring the audience to stay in your online store for much longer and indicate a high likelihood of buying the product or service.

We do this by diving deep into who your audience really is and uncovering a buyer persona to convert at various stages of the buyer’s journey.


Get the complete guide to inbound marketing & buyer personas.

We talk to your customers to understand their pain points and what makes them tick. This insight allows us to craft short video ads and lead generation campaigns that address their needs and concerns in a personal way.

But don’t just take our word for it – let us show you examples of how we have created conversion-focused videos for our client’s campaigns.


4. Case Studies and Success Stories📹

a. Testimonial Video

One of our standout projects was a video ad campaign we created for Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia.

This video captures the student experience of becoming a doctor, showcasing academic rigour, friendships, and lasting memories.

We highlighted the intense demands and marathon-like pace of their education and addressed specific audience concerns, such as the appeal of a UK-recognised degree with local convenience.

By focusing on what potential students care about most, we were able to build interest and drive conversions.

Watch the ad here:










b. B2B Product Demo

Another one of our notable projects was a video ad for our client, Pao Yeang, featuring the Mimaki printer.

We focused on showcasing their diverse print applications, addressing what business owners most want to see: the quality and versatility of the print outputs.

We highlighted the printing speed, a crucial factor for businesses considering new equipment and gave viewers a detailed look at the printer’s design and functionality.

By centring the campaign around the needs and interests of the target audience, it drove quality traffic for conversion using inbound marketing principles.

Watch the ad here:

How to Get Started with Us?🤝🏼

At clickTRUE, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional lead generation campaigns with video ads tailored to a wide range of industries.

All to drive targeted traffic to your website and enhance your lead generation efforts.

Whether you're in education, healthcare and dental, property/residence, home appliances, B2B, printing, or finance – we have the expertise to craft compelling video ad narratives that positively impact your target audience.

Ready to transform your lead generation with powerful video ads?

Schedule a 30-minute consultation with our team, and we'll work together to tailor solutions specifically to meet your unique needs.